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Marzipan Bars


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Mrs. Daniels' Marzipan Bars
A very special treat

Mrs. Daniels served these when we visited her in Richmond Hill, Ontario.  Colorful and festive with great flavor.

Quantity Ingredients Preparation Notes

Dough and Filling

  •   Line 8" square pan with pie pastry
  •   Spread raspberry jam on top of pastry
  •   Blend margarine and sugar
  •   Add eggs and beat till light and fluffy
  •   Add rice flour and salt - beat well.
  •   Divide dough into two bowls
  •   Color dough in one bowl pink and in the other bowl green
  •   Put small spoonfuls of each on the jam alternating to form a checkerboard pattern
  •   Bake 35 minutes at 375 degrees.
  •  Cool
  •  Mix all ingredients for icing and frost. 
  •  Cut into small bars and serve
  • Store in airtight container
  Pie Pastry
  Raspberry Jam
1/2 Cup Margarine
2/3 Cup Sugar
2 Eggs
2/3 Cup Rice Flour
1/2 tsp Salt
  Pink and green food coloring


2 Tbsp Margarine
1 1/2 Cups Confectioners Sugar
2 Tbsp Warm Milk
1 tsp Almond Extract

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Last modified: 02/19/11